Ashley Siefert Nunes
STRATHAM, N.H.—The University of New Hampshire released a poll today that found seven in eight Granite Staters believe climate change is happening now with the majority of those believing human activity is primarily to blame.
Below is a statement by Roger Stephenson, Northeast regional advocacy director at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).
“This poll confirms that about two-thirds Granite Staters believe they are feeling the impacts of climate change first-hand. The number of warm days is increasing, and air conditioning use and its related costs are rising, which could place people in low-or fixed-income households at added risk.
“New Hampshire residents also recognize that mounting climate change impacts can be traced directly to fossil fuel companies. Dozens of U.S. lawsuits, including four filed in New England states, seeking justice for climate damages and consumer fraud perpetrated by fossil fuel companies have already been filed. It’s time for those running for New Hampshire Governor to explain how they plan to address the climate crisis and hold these companies accountable for harms done in the Granite State.”
If you have any questions or would like to arrange an interview with Stephenson, please contact UCS Climate and Energy Media Manager Ashley Siefert Nunes.