Laura Peterson is the Senior Analyst for the accountability campaign in the Climate & Energy Program. In her role, she oversees corporate research; conducts targeted policy analysis and advocacy efforts; and engages with investors, financial analysts, and academia.
Ms. Peterson has an extensive background in investigative journalism and strategic research. She has served as a staff member to the US Senate’s main oversight committee, a policy analyst for several Washington watchdog groups, and a journalist within the US and overseas. She has written on environmental issues and corporate oversight for the Center for Public Integrity, Daily Beast, and Foreign Policy, among other outlets. She has also been quoted in news outlets including Bloomberg, Business Times Online, CleanTechnica, E&E News, and Politifact.
Ms. Peterson holds an MA from the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University and a BA from the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Selected publications:
L. Delta Merner, Lisa Benjamin, William Ercole, Isabela Keuschnigg, Julian Kunik, Karla Martínez Toral, Laura Peterson, Joana Setzer, Karen Sokol, Aradhna Tandon & Kaia Turowski (2024) Comparative analysis of legal mechanisms to net-zero: lessons from Germany, the United States, Brazil, and China, Carbon Management, 15:1, DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2023.2288592. Available here.