Stephen Young

Associate Director, Government Affairs

Stephen Young
Media Contact

Stephen Young is a senior Washington representative for the Global Security program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. He lobbies administration officials, members of Congress, and their staff to advance UCS security-related campaigns, largely focusing on nuclear weapons policy and posture, spending on nuclear weapons, and ways to reduce the nuclear threat. He also works with scientists across the country to help amplify their concerns on critical national security policies, and with journalists to expand and improve reporting on nuclear weapons issues.

Before joining UCS, Young was deputy director of the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers, a national alliance of 17 nuclear disarmament organizations. He previously served as a senior analyst at the British American Security Information Council, legislative and field director for 20/20 Vision, and senior information specialist at ACCESS, a security information clearinghouse. He also was a fellow in the State Department’s Bureau of Human Rights.

Young is the author of numerous articles and publications on nuclear weapons policy and arms control, including The Cart Before the Horse: DOE's Plan for the Future of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex, which he co-authored with Global Security Program Co-director Lisbeth Gronlund. He is frequently cited by CNN, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post and other news organizations. He has a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University.