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Endangered Species Act Toolkit
The Endangered Species Act is under attack—and scientists have a crucial role to play in protecting it. Our toolkit helps scientists understand how the ESA works and how they can help keep it strong.
Activist Resource

Talking with the Media
Engaging effectively with journalists and the media takes practice, but is an important science communication skill to master.
Activist Resource

Engaging with Policymakers
Learn ways to effectively advocate for science by engaging with legislators.
Activist Resource

Science, Democracy, and Fracking
If your community is facing decisions about fracking, this toolkit is for you. Use it to help you make sound decisions on fracking.
Activist Resource

Tweet the Story of the Fossil Fuel Industry's Climate Deception
Fossil fuel companies and their trade associations have been peddling climate disinformation for decades. Here are 40 key moments of fossil fuel industry climate denial.
Activist Resource

Scientist Advocacy Toolkit
A toolkit for scientists looking for ways to use their expertise for the good of their community. Includes tips, tools, and other resources.
Activist Resource

Security and Arms Control Webinars
As part of our Summer Symposium series, we host webinars on arms control and international security topics. View past lectures here.
Activist Resource

Scientists Call for Public Investment in Agroecological Research
A distinguished group of experts from across the United States—including agricultural powerhouse states such as Iowa and California—have called for increased public investment in agroecological research.
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Food Justice
At a June 2015 meeting and community forum in Minneapolis, community leaders, policymakers, researchers, and students shared ideas and experiences on what it takes to forge trusted, equitable, and respectful partnerships to advance food policy reform.
Activist Resource

Community Connections
Our Lewis M. Branscomb Forum, "Community Connections," explored new ways for scientists and communities to work together to meet challenges like chemical hazards, climate change impacts, or access to healthy food.
Activist Resource

Healthy Food Policy Toolkit
Learn how to navigate the food policy system and join in efforts to make healthy, affordable food part of your community's landscape.
Activist Resource

Resources for Early Career Scientists
Examples of resources, blogs, fellowships, training programs, and jobs sites that may be useful to early career scientists searching for careers or engagement opportunities in science policy.