Cleaning Up Our Freight System

Published Feb 11, 2022 Updated Feb 6, 2025

Freight pollution has an outsized impact on human health and the climate.

Exhaust from freight vehicles, like medium and heavy-duty trucks that transport our goods, contribute to smog and fine particulate pollution. This causes over 4,400 premature deaths every year, as well as thousands of emergency room visits and millions of lost school days. Freight pollution has a disproportionate impact on historically harmed communities living adjacent to ports, rail hubs and freight corridors.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Electrifying vehicles in the freight system is one promising solution towards addressing toxic diesel pollution. Electric trucks, in particular, are available and ready today and produce no tailpipe emissions. Transitioning to electric vehicles will cut down on climate pollution, and allow communities to breathe more freely. But we need action at all levels of government to reduce emissions from the freight system.

The resources on this page will help you understand the problem with a freight system that relies on diesel and offer actions we can take right now to reduce emissions and get the goods we need in a less harmful way.

a person driving a Nikola electric truck in Port of Los Angeles

Ready for Work 2

Electrifying our on-road freight system is the surest way to reduce truck pollution and improve air quality.
Electric semi truck being charged

Ready for Work

The variety of heavy-duty electric vehicles has increased, with many environmental and economic benefits for those considering making the switch.
Parkway in Connecticut

Diesel Pollution in CT

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Connecticut residents to the hospital every year.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Annapolis, MD

Diesel pollution in MD

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Delaware residents to the hospital every year.
Traffic near the intersection of Atlantic Ave. in Boston, MA

Diesel Pollution in MA

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Massachusetts residents to the hospital every year.
Skateboarder in Brooklyn, NY

Diesel Pollution in NY

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends New Yorkers to the hospital every year.
Downtown Providence, Rhode Island

Diesel pollution in RI

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Rhode Island residents to the hospital every year.
Harrisonburg Downtown Historic District, Main St. and adj. areas bet. Kratzer Ave., and Grace St. Harrisonburg

Diesel pollution in VA

Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution that sends Virginia residents to the hospital every year.

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