Disinformation is poison in the veins of our society. It undermines democracy, fosters division and hate, and blocks progress on the most pressing issues of our time. The good news is that you have the power to stop it.
To effectively counter disinformation, it's crucial to understand how it works, how to identify it, and the best ways to respond to it.
Get started today with these resources, trainings, and opportunities for action.
Get involved in countering disinformation in your state and community. Join the fight today!

How to Stop Disinformation

How to Spot Disinformation

How Disinformation Works

Is Disinformation the Same as Misinformation?
DOWNLOAD: Countering Disinformation in Your Community—A Resource Guide
This indispensable toolkit outlines the key Do's and Don'ts you need to know to effectively counter disinformation. Also available in Spanish.
Video also available with Spanish subtitles
Lead your own training and help empower your community to effectively counter disinformation!
Science Rising offers both an in-depth training for trainers and a comprehensive toolbox for teaching others, including a template presentation you can adapt for your own needs.
Take action
Sign up today to help counter disinformation in your state and community. Based on your location, skill set, and interests, we'll plug you into the many ways to get more involved in the fight against disinformation and political manipulation.