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The Infuriating Link Between Wildfires and Fossil Fuel Companies
Groundbreaking science shows how oil and gas companies bear at least some responsibility for worsening forest fires.

Federal Scientists Survey 2023
The latest Union of Concerned Scientists survey of federal scientists shows the powerful, positive effects of strengthening scientific integrity policies under President Biden.

A World Without Nuclear Weapons
We can build a future that promotes diplomacy, environmental justice for frontline communities, and one where we abolish these uniquely destructive weapons.

The Case Against ExxonMobil, Chevron, and other Fossil Fuel Companies
Across the world, fossil fuel companies face a wave of new lawsuits for their role in the climate crisis.

Risks & Consequences of Russia's War on Ukraine
What are the humanitarian costs of the use of tactical nuclear weapons?

How Narrative Inspires Change
Writers across disciplines who explore our impact on the planet through their writing and whose genres have served to inform, move, and inspire action.

The Power Grid Is a Top Climate Solution. But What Is It?
The power grid makes modern life possible—but it’s also holding us back.

Use Your Scientific Expertise to Make a Safer and Healthier World
Submitting a public comment to the record is an important way to make your voice heard in the policymaking process.

Scientists React to Testimony on Oversight and Reform
Watch scientists react to some of the most outrageous statements made by CEOs of fossil fuel companies.

How to Counter Disinformation
Learn how to spot disinformation and stop it in its tracks.

Video: UCS Federal Scientists Survey 2022
A video introduction to our longstanding survey of scientists in federal agencies.

Electric Vehicles are Cleaner
Electric cars and pickups produce roughly half the climate-changing emissions of a similar gasoline car by the end of their lifetimes.