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Why Climate Resilience Is Like a Tiger Chase
Everyone knows we need to cut emissions. But we need to start adapting too.

UCS Conversation: Science as Art
Scientists who have connected their areas of study to their art form and use that work to open pathways to connection and understanding of science.

Ending Sole Authority
In the United States, the sole authority to order the use of nuclear weapons belongs to the president.

Poetry of Science
Contemporary poets whose work explores science and our relationship to the earth.

Connecting Faith, Climate and Justice
Meet the faith leaders who will share how their beliefs inform their advocacy and action.

American Democracy Under Siege
In the last few years, many elected leaders have attacked voting rights, cast doubt on free and fair elections, and served private interests over the public good. But all is not lost.

Video: Too Hot to Work
The Union of Concerned Scientists released a new report titled “Too Hot to Work,” which examines the effects of extreme heat on outdoor workers’ health and livelihoods.

Global Security Talks with New Diplomacy Initiative
On August 4, 2021, UCS and Japan's New Diplomacy Initiative will hold a virtual discussion on how Japan can move beyond nuclear deterrence.

Hypersonic Missile Myths
There's a lot more hype than new technology when it comes to these expensive weapons.

No First Use Policy
In supporting a NFU policy, the Biden administration can take bold action to reduce the nuclear dangers we all face.

Political Science Guide to Election 2020
The 2020 election is one of the most unusual in our lifetimes.

Voting Rights Video Series
A series of videos focused on issues with our electoral system.